Tech Bites

Put the Giving Into Thanksgiving With the Neighborhood’s Table

Episode Summary

On this holiday episode of Tech Bites, we’ll look at paying it forward to building better communities with Studio ATAO’s The Neighborhood’s Table. Host Jenifer Leuzzi talks with Edric Huang, Head of Programming at Studio ATAO, about combating gentrification through intentional hospitality and their current fundraising project. Make it a real black Friday this year and keep your favorite non-profit organization out of the red. Check out these episodes of Tech Bites to discover some new organizations we talked with this year: 245 The Forge, 235 The Barrio Fridge, 232 With Warm Welcome, 220 Spicy Green Book, and 217 Toast Ale.

Episode Notes

On this holiday episode of Tech Bites, we’ll look at paying it forward to building better communities with Studio ATAO’s The Neighborhood’s Table. Host Jenifer Leuzzi talks with Edric Huang, Head of Programming at Studio ATAO, about combating gentrification through intentional hospitality and their current fundraising project. Make it a real black Friday this year and keep your favorite non-profit organization out of the red. Check out these episodes of Tech Bites to discover some new organizations we talked with this year: 245 The Forge, 235 The Barrio Fridge, 232 With Warm Welcome, 220 Spicy Green Book, and 217 Toast Ale.

Photo Courtesy of Kyung Ji Chyun.

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