Tech Bites

Episode 91: Unplug for a Spring Re-Set and Digital Detox

Episode Summary

Spring cleaning isn't just for your closet, it's for your tech life and your personal headspace. Every year, we feature a spring detox, digital disconnect and mental refresh episode with Paul Kemawikasit Alexander, the NYC based acupuncturist and energy alchemist. The PK Alexander Method and The Way of Inspiration is a unique 10-part series that incorporates breathing and moment exercises to cultivate and connect the mind, body, and spirit.

Episode Notes

Spring cleaning isn't just for your closet, it's for your tech life and your personal headspace. Every year, we feature a spring detox, digital disconnect and mental refresh episode with Paul Kemawikasit Alexander, the NYC based acupuncturist and energy alchemist. The PK Alexander Method and The Way of Inspiration is a unique 10-part series that incorporates breathing and moment exercises to cultivate and connect the mind, body, and spirit.