Tech Bites

Episode 115: Amazon Whole Foods: The Biggest Food Tech Story of 2017

Episode Summary

The Amazon purchase of Whole Foods has dominated headlines since the merger was announced in June of 2017. What’s the impact of the merger on our food lives and on companies doing business in the retail e-commerce grocery space? On this episode we discuss the biggest food tech story of the year with: Ben Conniff, co-founded of Luke's Lobster restaurants and Whole Foods supplier. Brad Harrison, co-founder and chairman of the board of Greensbury, an online retailer of grass-feed beef and wild-caught seafood. Craig Giammona, consumer reporter at Bloomberg News.

Episode Notes

The Amazon purchase of Whole Foods has dominated headlines since the merger was announced in June of 2017. What’s the impact of the merger on our food lives and on companies doing business in the retail e-commerce grocery space? On this episode we discuss the biggest food tech story of the year with: Ben Conniff, co-founded of Luke's Lobster restaurants and Whole Foods supplier. Brad Harrison, co-founder and chairman of the board of Greensbury, an online retailer of grass-feed beef and wild-caught seafood. Craig Giammona, consumer reporter at Bloomberg News.